Weight training for fitness

Candidate should demonstrate the following

  • a general warm up and mobilising routine to precede weightlifting and training exercise;
  • the starting position to ensure that weights are lifted correctly without putting undue strain of muscles.tendon and joints;
  • the exercise movements, including the application of forces on muscles and joints;
  • arm and shoulder exercise (e.g. curls, raises, lat.pulls, pec-deck exercise);
  • leg exercises (e.g. hamstring curl, quadriceps curl,cycle exercises);
  • back exercises ( e.g. back arching, lat.pulls, fixed rowing);
  • abdominal exercises (e.g. sit ups on inclined bench).

Free Weight Exercise :

  • Back and front squat
  • Bent forward rowing
  • Bench press
  • Curls
  • Crunches or sit-ups with twist

Exercises to develop speed

  • Power clean
  • Power Snatch

Specifics Lifts

  • Clean or Power Clean
  • Jerk Snatch or Snatch

Machine Exercises

  • Seated or standing press (face away from machine)
  • Leg press or hip-sled(90% bend at knee or more)
  • Knee flexion ( Hamstring Curl)
  • Pull Down
  • Bench Press( raise bench if necessary to ensure handles lower to shoulder level)
  • Hyper extension or hip extension

Crunches or sit-ups with twist

Weight training for fitness assessment (Planning, performing and evaluating)

A candidate should demonstrate under applied condition:

  • the ability consistently to distinguish, select and apply advanced skills and techniques to suit the activity showing a high level of control, precision , fluency and originality, and if appropriate, power;
  • the ability to perform a wide range of sklls, sleecting them well to suit needs and performing them with a high level of control and flair; weight trainers will demonstrate a wide knowledge of and ability in technique, principles and aplpication for the benefit of improved fitness;
  • the ability to take the initiative and lead with groups to devise, implement and adapt a preparation programme for themselves and others, leading to performance in a display or competition;
  • the ability to take a number of roles in a group or team and show some sound planing and leadership skills;
  • a thorough understanding of the role of rules and conventions of the activity.

Analysing and Improving Task

Candidate No: 12

Candidate Name : Norman Chia

Centre Name : Geylang Methodist School (Sec)

Centre No : 7005

Participant: Aidan Mar  (Candidate 13)

Task Instructions

1. Identify the important skills / techniques needed.

The importants skills / techniques needed for weight training are good form and techniques because good form ensures appropriate muscle growth while doing the activity  while wrong techniques may lead to long or short term injuries that will do a huge impact to your body in the future. Injuries such as sprains, strains, fractures and some other excruciating pain that may affect your progress in doing weight training. Breathing technique is also required as effective and efficient breathing allow you to maximize your performance and training. When lifting weights , putting your weight down timing have to be slow so you can train your resistance against heavy weights and it also help to train.

2. List in detail : the strengths and the weaknesses of the participants.

 Dead Lift:

Strengths : Good starting position and he control his breathing well, he inhale when he is going up and exhale when he goes down.

Weaknesses : When he starting to do a lift, he does not have any explosive when he is lifting it up and he uses his arms to lift the weight. The timing he uses to drop the weight is inconsistent, sometime he immediately drop the weight while sometime he down slowly, and when he put the weight on the floor , he bend his arm.

Barbell Back Squat:

Strength –  Good starting position.  His breathing technique is flawless, he inhale when he is going up and exhale when he is squatting.

Weakness – he uses his toe to help himself to stand , he does not have much explosive when his rising up.

Barbell Upright Row:

Strength –  Good form and explosive, he pull the barbell up slightly below his chin . When he let his weight down, he straighten his arm. He control his breathing well, breathing out when he is going down , breathing in when he is going up .

Weaknesses –  He let go of the weights too fast. This does not train his resistance just like his dead lift.

Dumb Bell Neutral Grip:

Strength – Good form and explosive. He is able to control the dumb bell at 2 of his hand . He control his breathing well, he inhale when he push the dumb bell up and exhale when he pull it down.

Weaknesses –  When pull the dumb bell down, he did not pull it down to his chest, he pull it down to his stomach.

3. Suggest ways in which the weaknesses might be improved or corrected.

Dead Lift –  Aidan should not use his arm to lift the weight , he should stand up with more explosive and when he is going to make the weight down , he should not sit down too fast or too slow, his timing should all be perfect, he should take 3 second to put the weight down.  And when he is doing , he should not even bend his arm.

Barbell Back Squat – Aidan need to have more explosive when he is standing up and he should not use his toe to push him up, instead he should use his heel to push himself up.

Barbell Upright Row – Aidan just need to put the weight down slower to train his resistance

Dumb Bell Neutral Grip – He should pull the dumb bell straight down to his chest.

4. Discuss with the participant your findings and record his views / reactions.

After discussing with Aidan about his strength and weakness , he said that he agreed with what I said and he would improve . He say he want us to help him to train himself by taking videos of how he does and wants us to teach him how can he improve further.  He vow to himself that he will improve and do a better than what he did in the video we observed.


Hello, my name is Norman Chia from Geylang Methodist School Secondary

I’ll be doing weight training, weight training is a form a training to develop strength and muscles.

I will be performing 4 exercises, Deadlift, Barbell Back Squat , Dumbbell BenchPress and Upright Barbell Row.

Deadlift is a whole body workout as to perform a Deadlift involves a lot of muscles. I will be carrying a weight of 35kg which is 74% of my body weight. I will be doing 5 reps.

Barbell Back squat targets your quadriceps , it also activates about every other muscle in your lower body, including your hamstring , calves and many others. I will be doing a weight of 25kg about 53% of my body weight. I will be doing 5 reps.

Dumbbell Neutral Grip Bench Press primarily targets your chest and triceps. I will be carrying a weight of  6kg per side. I will be doing 5 reps.

Upright Barbell Row targets your lateral, and it strengthens your upper back, deltoids and upper trapezius. I will be carrying a weight of 10 kg. I will be doing 5 reps.

See ya